“Which of you, if his
son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give
him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to
your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to
those who ask him!” ~ Matthew 7:9-11
As I was making Derrick’s breakfast yesterday, his regular
peanut butter and jelly sandwich (and really the Peanut Butter should be
capitalized because getting it is the whole point of him asking for a sandwich)
I had one of those neat, now that you’re a parent revelations. He had a rough
time sleeping the night before and I wanted to do something to help getting up
that morning a little easier. With this in mind I gave him a little extra
peanut butter hoping that it would do something to brighten his morning. It was
then that I remembered a verse that I had read a little earlier this week. As
much as we want to give to our kids what they want, how much more does God want
to give good things to us.
The church leaders here, and we ourselves, know that this is
only the beginning. We are starting our work here with prayer and the faith
that God wants to give the church in this area even bigger gifts of growth in spirit
and ministry. I am sure he has things in mind that we are not even thinking
about ourselves yet. Even though we are just getting started, I am excited
about what is coming.
This is very well written and a blessing. Thanks for sharing and keep in touch1