1. I am another year older.
This should be a surprise for no one, yet I don’t know how
many times this year I have wished for time to slow down. I have wanted more
time to finish one job or another. I have needed a deadline extended or a
meeting pushed back. I have celebrated when someone has had to cancel on me
because I was trying to figure out how to fit it all in. I also wished for more
time with family and friends, a few more hours in the day to make that visit I
never got around to or to teach my son how to tie his shoes or skype more with
my sister. I am another year older and I need to be okay with that. Time slows
down for no one and rich or poor we all get 24 hours in a day. Hopefully being
another year older will help me spend my time better.
2. Big Things Don’t Bring Joy, Small Things
(especially 6 and 1 year olds) Do
When I got back to the house from my second or third meeting
of the day I was greeted Derrick bursting out of the house singing Happy
Birthday, one of the few English songs he knows. He had been asleep when I left
the house around 6 am and was greeting me for the first time by singing me
happy birthday. I walked in to my wife making a birthday cake. I sat down on
the floor and Kaleb came up all on his own and gave me a kiss. It was the most
amazing five minutes of my day. I have learned that small things bring more joy
than larger things because they are accomplished within the moment and are
recognizable as good things. Big things, long term goals, strategic plans, and
the big picture while all things that I tend to focus on and am good at working
towards do not bring that much joy. They take to long to accomplish and are
made up of many different moments, of which most cannot really be claimed as
our own. I want to start celebrating the small things.
3. I have given up on changing the world
Possibly the most important of all, I have given up on
changing the world. It is just too much work. I am still committed however, to
changing one person at a time. As my birthday was coming to a close and we were
getting the kids ready for bed one of my friends, as Liz calls them, showed up
at the house. He was crying, which is not normal for these street tough kids.
He had been beat by his guardians and denied food all because he had tried to
get medical treatment earlier in the day, something we help him with because he
has sickle cell and all of the related illnesses that go with it. It was the
end of the day, I was exhausted, and Liz needed help with the kids, but he
needed someone to talk to. We sat outside for half an hour and it ended with
him coming inside, getting dinner, and spending the night until his guardians
could calm down some. Things tend to happen on my birthday. In 2007 my mom
passed away on my birthday and it has been hard to celebrate it ever since. This
year though, was a little easier. You see, my mom had this thing about focusing
on the individual, the one person, student, parent and encourage them, make
their day better, provide a small joy at the right time. This became evident by
the many heartfelt cards, letters, and well wishes that came as she was sick
and the months following her death. The effectiveness of her strategy was made
clear. This year was slightly easier though, because I am pretty sure at this
point in my life, six years later, that she would be pretty proud of me as I am
finally starting to understand the many lessons she had for me and the life
that she raised me to live.
I will succeed in using my time well, in small celebrations, and in small steps, one person at a time. Even on my birthday.
Really wonderful lessons, Eric! And a belated happy birthday to you.