Sunday, December 30, 2018

End of the Year Reflections

As we reach the end of 2018 I was blessed today by the sermon given by Rev. Wanyama at City Center Church. He used the text of Jesus going with his parents to Jerusalem. Jesus’ parents realized that he was not on the return journey with them so they looked first among the caravan and then eventually retracted their steps finding Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem teaching. They then went with Jesus home, holding him, in the interpretation of Rev. Wanyama, by both hands. The point of the sermon was to reflect on where we had lost Jesus in our lives and how in the next year were we going to be able to better keep ahold of Jesus in our lives. Specifically a few questions were asked.

1.     How is it that we lose Jesus? Usually it is when we assume that some one has him or that it is not our personal responsibility to keep ahold of him, that it will somehow just happen.
2.     Where do we find Jesus? We don’t find Jesus among family or friends, but only and specifically in the father’s house. We find Jesus when we seek him where he says he will be. In prayer, in the Bible, and in the marginalized places.
3.     How do we keep a hold of Jesus in our lives?

As we head towards closing one year and starting a new one, these are some good questions to ask as we both reflect and move forward.

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