Friday I attended a fundraiser at a local church (something
I normally hate doing)…and it was amazing. What made it so amazing was the
obvious heart they had for each other and the community. It was so obvious and
tangible in the room it brought an old conversation I had with myself to mind.
This is a conversation I had when we were looking at all the
different places we needed to focus on planting churches in our area of
Cutting-edge-church-planter me: All we do is name the church after wherever
it is located. We need to start thinking of names that reflect our mission and
our understanding of the gospel.
The Good Missionary Me: But this is how
they do it, why should I change what they call their churches?
Cutting-edge-church-planter me: That is
just because they have always done it that way. We need to introduce some
creativity into the process…AND they can develop their mission statement and
vision during the process (envisions all day meeting that includes a large
white board, self-reflection, and fun had by all)
The Good Missionary Me: I need to insert
myself further into the local church culture first and see if I can complete
some ethnographic studies to better understand what is going on before I just
change something like the name of a church.
The resulting reality:
Why don’t I just ask them if they have ever thought about naming their churches
something else and see what they say…months pass, never get around to asking
because there are more important conversations going on about salvation, living
out salvation, and of course clean drinking water, street children, and food
security issues resulting from climate change.
Now I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade here, including,
but not limited to church consultants who actually get paid to come up with
church names (not sure if you all actually exist), churches named after the
location in which you are located, or churches named after something else like
say…Shalom, Church of Heavenly Dreams (the one caveat may be Winner’s Chapel,
but that can definitely wait for another blog post). But as I consider these
options…do we name a church after the village or town where it is located
or do we name it after a vision that we are trying to cast for others to follow
I realized that the way we name a church may also say something about our
On the flip side I worry sometimes, mainly because I know
myself, that when we start to name churches after a ministry focus, theme, or
vision that we may be too focused on what OUR vision, theme, ministry focus is
and not enough on the PEOPLE that we are surrounded by.
All of this brings me to my main point…the local church
should be just that, a local church. I find the practice of commuting
Christians a challenge to me, those that drive to another town, city, or
community on Sunday mornings for worship. It is hard to do ministry in your
community when you don’t also worship with them, and it is hard to do ministry
through your local church if you don’t live near by. It is hard to know the
challenges that the neighborhood around your church faces if you only see it on
Sunday morning as so much happens throughout the week with people going about
their daily routines. Yet, this is the focus of the church is it not? To be a
presence in the community, to work beside, live beside, and be a witness to the
people around you. I struggle with the money spent on church buildings that are
often as not an empty witness to our faith during the week.
Now, I love naming new ministries and organizations. I love
the creative process that helps focus the work and becomes a beacon for others
to follow, but I think maybe we should leave that to specialized ministries who
are meant to work in broader contexts and areas. However, when we are talking about
the local church, we lose out on so much when it is no longer actually a LOCAL church.
With social media, communication technology, and the hyper-individualistic
society we now live in (how many buzz words was that?) I think we forget that
community has a physical component, without which we fail to connect at deeper
levels. This is why I miss my family when I am out of the country for so long
and why college students feel more disconnected when moving off campus. What we
may not consent to intellectually we experience intuitively.
In the end my hope is that the local church can be a local
presence no matter what they name may say.
What do you think? Does you church name reflect a love of
community, a focus on your vision, or something else completely?
When we were at Mt. Zion I preached a sermon on "Mt. Zion" through scripture and how we can live up our name. It was the first sermon preached at Mt. Zion about Mt. Zion I was told. Now that I'm at a church called First, perhaps the message should be the first shall be last.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I love this and I agree. The church needs to be named for the community so that the community can claim their church.
ReplyDeleteI dream of a church in an impoverished area within just a few miles of my own church and I want desperately to reach out to the families of that area. To do that I would need to be right there where they are. Transporting people away from their homes to a church on the "other" side of town can make people feel as if Jesus is only present outside of their community. To be Jesus we have to go where we're needed